Recette: Délicieux Galette des rois

Galette des rois. Place the almond paste into a food processor or blender with about half of the sugar, and process until well blended. A galette des rois is made of an irresistibly creamy almond filling sandwiched between two flaky, buttery layers of puff pastry. The ingredients for almond cream all go into a food processor to blend, and then the paste is spread onto store-bought puff pastry, making this impressive cake simple to put together.

Galette des rois Beat until smooth with a fork. The galette des rois, celebrating Epiphany, the day the Three Kings (les rois) visited the infant Jesus, is baked throughout January in France. Composed of two circles of puff pastry sandwiching a frangipani filling, each comes with a crown and always has a trinket, called a fève, or bean, baked into it. Vous pouvez cuisiner Galette des rois utilisant 5 Ingrédients et 5 instructions. Voici comment vous réalisez ça.

ingrédients de la recette Galette des rois

  1. Préparer 170 g of sucre.
  2. Préparer 150 g of beurre mou.
  3. Vous avez besoin 300 g of poudre d amande ou noisette aux choix en fonction des goûts.
  4. Préparer 4 of œufs.
  5. C'est 2 of pâtes feuilletées toute prête moi je la fais mais j avoue très long.

It's an invitation to gather, as much party game as pastry - if your slice has the. Two kinds of Galettes des Rois. Before diving into this recipe, it should be noted there are in fact two kinds of galettes des rois in France. The first one, often found in the south of France, is a yeasted, brioche-like cake shaped like a crown and usually topped with colorful candied fruit (see the recipe here!.

Galette des rois pas à pas de recette

  1. Mélanger tous les ingrédients ensemble cela prends 2 minutes chrono.
  2. Ensuite garnir la galette ne pas oublier la fève.
  3. Badigeonner la galette avec un œuf battu un peu de lait et de sucre.
  4. Mettre au four à 180 degrés pour environ 30min plus ou moins cela dépends des fours.
  5. Bonne dégustation.

The second, found in the north of France, is the one made from puff pastry. Bolo-rei, ( lit. 'king cake') is a traditional Portuguese cake eaten from the beginning of December until Epiphany. La Galette de Rois se puede servir tibia o fría, como más nos apetezca y queda deliciosa si la acompañamos de nata semimontada o crema ácida. En mi caso me gusta mucho más el contraste dulce. What's inside a galette des rois?


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